
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Writers Journey

 Secrets Cafe Think of your favorite bar and the many nights spent there listening to live music, hanging with your friends, dancing, laughing, and having a good time. This was your home away from home. It was "Where everybody knew your name."  When I moved back to Utah, I left behind my friends, some wonderful hangouts, and many good (and bad) memories. One night, I sat down at my laptop and decided to write a story, a love letter to Seattle and my friends in Washington State. My main character is Georgia, who suffers from trust issues and a broken heart. I based her on who I thought I could have been if I lived in Seattle. I gave her my job and my love of writing in notebooks. I gave her my heartache.  When I created the character Mike, I remembered my friend T and I having drinks at Applebee's one night. We were seated on one side of the bar, and two young men were on the other. They kept eyeballing us. T suggested ordering bananas and B52 shots with cream. We took the...

Venting 101: Summer

 Summer I am not a fan of hot summer days, nights, or mornings. I love the rain. I love the fall. I love the spring. I tolerate winter. But summer, at least here in the Southwest, is like stepping into a broiling oven. I can't take my dog for a walk in this stuff; it's too hot for my feet. And she's a prima donna. I could get her little shoes that would protect her feet, but what about the rest of her body? Do I put a cold towel on her when we leave the house? Today is 105. It is only June 5th!  This does not bode well for the next three months. This makes me wish I was a multi-millionaire and owned three houses so I could pack and move to the one in the mountains or go back to Washington State, near Seattle, where it doesn't get any hotter than 80 degrees. So nice, beautiful, and green. Your shoes don't melt in Seattle. It rains. I love the rain. I grew up in St George. I hated the heat then, I hate it still. And it's only June! Crimony. In my dream world, I co...