Venting 101: Summer


I am not a fan of hot summer days, nights, or mornings. I love the rain. I love the fall. I love the spring. I tolerate winter. But summer, at least here in the Southwest, is like stepping into a broiling oven. I can't take my dog for a walk in this stuff; it's too hot for my feet. And she's a prima donna. I could get her little shoes that would protect her feet, but what about the rest of her body? Do I put a cold towel on her when we leave the house?

Today is 105. It is only June 5th!  This does not bode well for the next three months. This makes me wish I was a multi-millionaire and owned three houses so I could pack and move to the one in the mountains or go back to Washington State, near Seattle, where it doesn't get any hotter than 80 degrees. So nice, beautiful, and green. Your shoes don't melt in Seattle. It rains. I love the rain.

I grew up in St George. I hated the heat then, I hate it still. And it's only June! Crimony.

In my dream world, I could go to my job and let them know I would be working at the Seattle store from May through September. I can tolerate the weather here in "sunny" St George from September through April. The southwest is nice and pretty then. 

There is a constant argument over which is worse, hot, muggy days or hot, dry oven days. Both suck. The advantage of the muggy days is at least there is some moisture. Hot, dry days suck the life out of your skin, your hair, and anything green or flowering. My hair loves muggy days. My skin loves muggy days. But having been to the southern part of Texas during the summer, I can say both types of weather suck. I'll take Washington State.

And its only the first (of who knows how many) triple degree days! I wish it would rain. 

Gina G


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