
Showing posts from November, 2024


 2024 Election I was hoping for better results. I was hoping for a woman to finally step into the role of President and lead. Instead, we went with the felon. Is this because people fear what a woman could do with the Presidency? Is it because Biden screwed up, and everyone was worried she would follow and support his policies? I don't know. What's done is done. The American people voted and the results swung a different way.  What I have noticed, though, on this day of results, is we did not have riots. We did not have protests. We did not have people screaming that the voting count was cheated. We did not demand a recount and stomp our feet, raise guns, and threaten to take democracy back. No, we mourned the loss.  Vice President Harris accepted the defeat with grace, strength, and dignity. She promised a smooth transition. She didn't call for revenge. She didn't rant and rave, point fingers, and make accusations. She reacted with class. She is an inspiration of hope ...