
 2024 Election

I was hoping for better results. I was hoping for a woman to finally step into the role of President and lead. Instead, we went with the felon. Is this because people fear what a woman could do with the Presidency? Is it because Biden screwed up, and everyone was worried she would follow and support his policies? I don't know. What's done is done. The American people voted and the results swung a different way. 

What I have noticed, though, on this day of results, is we did not have riots. We did not have protests. We did not have people screaming that the voting count was cheated. We did not demand a recount and stomp our feet, raise guns, and threaten to take democracy back. No, we mourned the loss. 

Vice President Harris accepted the defeat with grace, strength, and dignity. She promised a smooth transition. She didn't call for revenge. She didn't rant and rave, point fingers, and make accusations. She reacted with class. She is an inspiration of hope and dignity. 

Here is what I believe: The votes were counted, and the results went to the other side. It is what it is. I may not like it, but I am still here. The sun rose this morning, and the moon is a crescent hook tonight. There are stars out, and the weather is cold with the breath of winter. It's like Fall was skipped. I will go to work tomorrow. I will walk my dog like usual. I will write every night. I will stand up for what I believe. I will do my best to treat people how I would want to be treated because this was how I was raised. I won't judge people for the way they voted because I am not God. I can only do what I can do. And maybe one day, we will step out of the dark ages and have a woman in charge. Wouldn't it be interesting if, in the next election, the choice is between TWO powerhouse women? Now, there is a thought for the future. 


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